Wednesday, January 21, 2009

time flies

This is my third attempt to post a few words. I first tried at the beginning of the month, then again a week later and wow here we are now, the month has almost flown by. Thinking back on 2008 I feel the same way, the year has flown by. I realize that setting goals has never been more important to me than at this time. I don't want the time to just fly by. I want to be the super fun mom I always wanted to be, not just the busy mom with so much to do.
A couple of my children's friends invited them to go skiing with them during Christmas break and I realized that they barely know how to ski and snowboard. We live very close to 7 ski resorts and never seem to make the time to go (shame on me). So new years resolution #1 is to take the family skiing at least once a year.
Here is a beautiful picture of Deer Valley Ski Resort.

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